Effects of Reduced Connexin43 Function on Mandibular Morphology and Osteogenesis in Mutant Mouse Models of Oculodentodigital Dysplasia

Effects of Reduced Connexin43 Function on Mandibular Morphology and Osteogenesis in Mutant Mouse Models of Oculodentodigital Dysplasia

Mutations in the gene encoding the gap-junctional protein connexin43 (Cx43) is the cause of human disease oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD). mandible often affected by this disease, the clinical report describes both the overgrowth of the mandible and vice versa, retrognathia.

Observations were apparently opposed to underline our relative lack of understanding of how ODDD affect the morphology of the lower jaw. Using two mouse models that mimic the mutant phenotype ODDD (I130T / + and G60S / +), we sought to uncover how the altered function of Cx43 can affect the development of the lower jaw.

Specifically, jaw newborn mice were imaged using micro-CT, to allow statistical comparison of forms. network-level comparison of the key areas of the mandible is done by using histomorphology, and we quantified the mRNA expression of some of the cartilage and bone cell differentiation markers. Both G60S / + and I130T / + mice mutant has changed the morphology of the mandibular compared to their wildtype counterparts, and morphological effects are equally locally for both mutants.

In particular, the largest phenotypic differences in mutant mice focused in areas exposed to mechanical forces, such as alveolar bone, muscle attachment sites, and the articular surface. Histological analysis revealed differences intramembranous ossification of the jaw bone both mutant mice compared to their wildtype littermates. However, the organization of chondrocytes in cartilage secondary mandible is not affected in the mutant mice. Overall, our results indicate that morphological differences seen in the jaw G60S / + and I130T / + mouse as delayed ossification and suggested that mechanical forces can exacerbate the effects of ODDD bone.

 Effects of Reduced Connexin43 Function on Mandibular Morphology and Osteogenesis in Mutant Mouse Models of Oculodentodigital Dysplasia
Effects of Reduced Connexin43 Function on Mandibular Morphology and Osteogenesis in Mutant Mouse Models of Oculodentodigital Dysplasia

XIAP Protecting retinal ganglion cells in mutant ND4 Rat Model of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Objective: Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) is a genetic form of vision loss that occurs mainly due to a mutation in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (ND) subunits that make up the complex I of the electron transport chain. LHON mutations resulted in the death of retinal ganglion cell apoptosis. We tested the hypothesis that gene therapy with X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) will prevent retinal ganglion cell apoptosis and reduce disease progression in a mouse model of LHON induced vector that carries a mutation ND4.

Methods: Adeno associated virus (AAV) encoding full-length hemagglutinin-tagged XIAP (AAV2.HA-XIAP) or green fluorescent protein (AAV2.GFP) injected into the vitreous of DBA / 1J mice. Two weeks later, LHON phenotype induced by AAV delivery of mutant ND4 (AAV2.mND4FLAG) into the vitreous. Retinal function was assessed by electroretinography pattern. Optic nerve harvested at 4 months, and XIAP therapeutic effect on the nerve fiber layer and optic nerve integrity was evaluated using immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscopy and magnetic resonance imaging.

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Colon, BioGenomics

MBS652005-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Colon, BioGenomics

MBS652005-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Liver, BioGenomics

MBS652155-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Liver, BioGenomics

MBS652155-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652376-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652376-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Spleen, BioGenomics

MBS651949-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Spleen, BioGenomics

MBS651949-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, stomach, BioGenomics

MBS652163-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, stomach, BioGenomics

MBS652163-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Pancreas, BioGenomics

MBS652511-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Pancreas, BioGenomics

MBS652511-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Spinal cord, BioGenomics

MBS652411-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Spinal cord, BioGenomics

MBS652411-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Small intestine, BioGenomics

MBS651942-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Small intestine, BioGenomics

MBS651942-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652243-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652243-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652426-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652426-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Liver, Left lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652236-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Liver, Left lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652236-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Liver, Right lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652353-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Lupus, Liver, Right lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652353-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652418-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652418-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652514-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652514-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Lung, BioGenomics

MBS651928-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Lung, BioGenomics

MBS651928-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Colon, BioGenomics

MBS651959-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Colon, BioGenomics

MBS651959-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652027-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652027-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Liver, BioGenomics

MBS652096-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Liver, BioGenomics

MBS652096-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Lung, BioGenomics

MBS652170-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Lung, BioGenomics

MBS652170-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652445-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652445-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Skin, BioGenomics

MBS652450-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Skin, BioGenomics

MBS652450-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Skin, BioGenomics

MBS652503-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Skin, BioGenomics

MBS652503-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Liver, BioGenomics

MBS652035-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Liver, BioGenomics

MBS652035-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Spleen, BioGenomics

MBS652239-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Spleen, BioGenomics

MBS652239-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Colon, BioGenomics

MBS652319-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Colon, BioGenomics

MBS652319-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652320-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652320-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Spleen, BioGenomics

MBS652375-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Spleen, BioGenomics

MBS652375-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652384-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652384-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS652568-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS652568-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Esophagus, BioGenomics

MBS651920-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Esophagus, BioGenomics

MBS651920-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Duodenum, BioGenomics

MBS651969-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Duodenum, BioGenomics

MBS651969-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Pancreas, BioGenomics

MBS652098-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Pancreas, BioGenomics

MBS652098-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652305-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652305-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Vein, BioGenomics

MBS652325-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Vein, BioGenomics

MBS652325-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Pancreas, BioGenomics

MBS652516-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Pancreas, BioGenomics

MBS652516-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Pons, BioGenomics

MBS652281-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Pons, BioGenomics

MBS652281-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Parkinson's Disease, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652455-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Parkinson's Disease, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652455-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Diaphragm, BioGenomics

MBS651903-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Diaphragm, BioGenomics

MBS651903-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Esophagus, BioGenomics

MBS652173-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Esophagus, BioGenomics

MBS652173-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Artery, BioGenomics

MBS652248-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Artery, BioGenomics

MBS652248-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Tumor, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS651885-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 850

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Tumor, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS651885-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 3600

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Whole Eye, BioGenomics

MBS651936-10Tests 10Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Whole Eye, BioGenomics

MBS651936-5x10Tests 5x10Tests
EUR 2835

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Lymph Node, BioGenomics

MBS652267-10Tests 10Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Lymph Node, BioGenomics

MBS652267-5x10Tests 5x10Tests
EUR 2835

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Amygdala, BioGenomics

MBS652354-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Amygdala, BioGenomics

MBS652354-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Thalamus, BioGenomics

MBS652373-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Thalamus, BioGenomics

MBS652373-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Amygdala, BioGenomics

MBS652517-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Amygdala, BioGenomics

MBS652517-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Lymph node, BioGenomics

MBS652040-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Lymph node, BioGenomics

MBS652040-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Spinal cord, BioGenomics

MBS652176-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Spinal cord, BioGenomics

MBS652176-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Bone Marrow, BioGenomics

MBS652454-10Tests 10Tests
EUR 700

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Bone Marrow, BioGenomics

MBS652454-5x10Tests 5x10Tests
EUR 2935

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Arteriosclerosis, Artery, BioGenomics

MBS652073-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1205

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Arteriosclerosis, Artery, BioGenomics

MBS652073-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5200

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Arteriosclerosis, Artery, BioGenomics

MBS652583-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1205

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Arteriosclerosis, Artery, BioGenomics

MBS652583-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5200

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652008-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1195

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652008-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5155

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, BioGenomics

MBS652026-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, BioGenomics

MBS652026-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Visceral Adipose, BioGenomics

MBS652260-10Tests 10Tests
EUR 700

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Visceral Adipose, BioGenomics

MBS652260-5x10Tests 5x10Tests
EUR 2935

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Multiple Sclerosis, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652441-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Multiple Sclerosis, Brain, BioGenomics

MBS652441-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Skeletal Muscle, BioGenomics

MBS652443-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Skeletal Muscle, BioGenomics

MBS652443-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Frontal Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652378-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Frontal Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652378-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Congenital Heart Disease, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652536-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Congenital Heart Disease, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652536-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Dementia, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652042-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1195

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Dementia, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652042-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5155

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Parietal Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS651956-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Parietal Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS651956-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Temporal Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS651976-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Temporal Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS651976-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Occipital Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652218-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Occipital Lobe, BioGenomics

MBS652218-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652261-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652261-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Subcutaneous Adipose, BioGenomics

MBS652060-10Tests 10Tests
EUR 700

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Subcutaneous Adipose, BioGenomics

MBS652060-5x10Tests 5x10Tests
EUR 2935

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Depression, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652208-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1195

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Depression, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652208-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5155

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Parkinson's Disease, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652003-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1195

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Parkinson's Disease, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652003-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5155

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Postcentral Gyrus, BioGenomics

MBS652110-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Postcentral Gyrus, BioGenomics

MBS652110-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Precentral Gyrus, BioGenomics

MBS652372-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Alzheimer's Disease, Brain, Precentral Gyrus, BioGenomics

MBS652372-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Small Intestine, Ileum, BioGenomics

MBS652440-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Small Intestine, Ileum, BioGenomics

MBS652440-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Atrium, Left, BioGenomics

MBS652479-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Atrium, Left, BioGenomics

MBS652479-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Congestive Heart Failure, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652487-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1205

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Congestive Heart Failure, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652487-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5200

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Small Intestine, Jejunum, BioGenomics

MBS651908-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Small Intestine, Jejunum, BioGenomics

MBS651908-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, Ileum, BioGenomics

MBS652396-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, Ileum, BioGenomics

MBS652396-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Atrium, Right, BioGenomics

MBS652428-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Atrium, Right, BioGenomics

MBS652428-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Interventricular Septum, BioGenomics

MBS652476-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Interventricular Septum, BioGenomics

MBS652476-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Ventricle, Right, BioGenomics

MBS652041-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Ventricle, Right, BioGenomics

MBS652041-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, Jejunum, BioGenomics

MBS652107-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, Jejunum, BioGenomics

MBS652107-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Ventricle, Left, BioGenomics

MBS652121-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Hypertension, Heart Ventricle, Left, BioGenomics

MBS652121-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Small Intestine, Duodenum, BioGenomics

MBS652227-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 995

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Diabetes, Small Intestine, Duodenum, BioGenomics

MBS652227-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 4250

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Multiple Sclerosis, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652553-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1195

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Multiple Sclerosis, Brain, Hippocampus, BioGenomics

MBS652553-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5155

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652149-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 1205

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Human Diseased (Adult), Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis, Heart, BioGenomics

MBS652149-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 5200

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652090-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Rat Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652090-5x40Tests 5x40Tests
EUR 2835

Tissue cDNA, First Strand, Mouse Adult Normal, Kidney, BioGenomics

MBS652496-40Tests 40Tests
EUR 680

Results: During the development of LHON disease, retinal ganglion cell axons lost. Body core apoptotic cells seen in astrocytes or oligodendrocytes in the optic nerve, and there is thinning of the optic nerve and retinal nerve fiber layer. At 4 months after the onset of illness, XIAP gene therapy protects the nerve fiber layer and optic nerve architecture by maintaining healthy axons. XIAP also decreased nuclear fragmentation in the population of astrocytes or oligodendrocytes and reduce infiltration of glial cells.